Network Scanner


Network Scanner is an IP scanner that is used for scanning both large corporate networks that have hundred thousands of computers along with small home networks with several computers. While the program can scan a list of IP addresses, computers and ranges of IP addresses, the number of computers and subnets is unlimited. Reliable and free network scanner to analyse LAN. The program shows all network devices, gives you access to shared folders, provides remote control of computers (via RDP and Radmin), and can even remotely switch computers off. It is easy to use and runs as a portable edition. It should be the first choice for every network admin. Refine found network results by filters. PRO Connect easily to a new network without leaving the app. PRO Use a beeper to hear the signal strength. PRO Live-Tile support PRO Each network has always the same color, so you know how it looks. Support of dark & light theme and accent colors.

Easy stand-alone network operation with large display

The N7100E is compact with scanner, computer and large size screen with integrated on-screen keyboard all combined, and can be suitable for limited place. The users can perform scanning, data saving, and transmission without the need to operate from a computer.

Quick scanning speed that supports card scanning

Users can scan quickly during heavy duty with accurate and stable feeding mechanism that supports scanning from thin paper to thick paper, and plastic card.
Plastic ID card and application form can be scanned together easily at the contact window.

High Security to suit user environment

The scanner provides numerous security measures to ensure complete data protection especially when shared by multiple users. These security measures can be applied according to users' actual requirements and their environments. Not only does the scanner implement verification before scanning but also it ensures automatic data encryption during processing and data deletion after scanning.

  • Login authentication
    Strictly controls what people can do with the scanner.
  • Encryption
    Scanned data is encrypted and temporarily stored in the scanner while it is being processed for e-mail, faxing, printing or storage.
  • Data transmission security
    It supports strong security protocols : LDAPS, HTTPS and FTPS
  • Scanned data deletion
    automatically deletes the temporarily stored data from internal memory after scanned data has been emailed, faxed, printed out and saved to a network folder.
  • Secure initialization
    When N7100E is initialized, free regions of the internal memory can be overwritten with completely random and meaningless data. A new cipher key is generated after user information is deleted. All of these ensure that no trace of old user data can be retrieved from open memory.

Perfect Fit Customized to Your Unique Needs

Administrators can customize the job menu on the screen and scan settings to suit the work of a specific user or user group registered to the scanner.

Customized one touch operation

Users can customize 'job button' on the job menu. They can simply login to the scanner and select a job from their personalized job menus on the N7100E's touch screen. Customized job menu ensures efficient and it can be possible for each user to secure decentralized data entry.

Personalized applications with SDK

User’s application can be integrated to the scanner as add-in software using the Network Scanner Control SDK (for Windows®). Added applications are displayed on the job menu.

USB Port for optional USB equipment

The scanner supports USB port, so that hardware keyboard, mouse, and other USB equipment such as contactless IC card reader can be connected for various purposes such as personal identification. The unit can function as a flexible terminal for any work environment

* Only keyboard/mouse are supported.
When using with other USB devices such as IC card reader, development of Add-in application using Network Scanner Control SDK (free download) is necessary.

* Additional development of the built-in add-in application for the N7100 32-bit driver is required to use the application with the N7100E.

* To satisfy the security policy, anti-virus software can be installed as an option to safely expand the functions.

Advanced software for work efficiency

Monitor scanner operation with Scanner Central Admin

Scanner Central Admin* specializes in centralized management of multiple scanners, including batch updates of scanner settings and firmware, as well as monitoring of errors and consumables status. The software is also capable of managing up to 1,000 scanners per server.

*To use Scanner Central Admin on Windows, you need to purchase a CAL (Client Access License). For details about Client Access License, please contact Microsoft.

Modern businesses can’t function without aninternal network, where data and files are kept and shared by the employees.Businesses, whether big or small, need to have experienced IT staff to protectthe company’s network from data theft and interference. If you think yourbusiness is too small for cybercriminals to notice, it’s time to review yoursecurity measures. As per the statistics published by Verizon 2019 Data BreachInvestigations Report (DBIR), approximately 43% of all cyber-attacks targetedsmall businesses.

Hackers utilize vulnerability scanners to searchfor loopholes in the network. A vulnerable network is easy to hack and can posea huge threat to the system and sensitive information. Thus, it’s imperative tocheck your network’s security rigorously and regularly.

Regular scanning of your network allows you tokeep track of the devices on your network, view how they’re performing, spotthe flaws, and understand the flow of traffic between connected devices andapplications. Thus, network scanning is a process helping admins gatherinformation from all devices or endpoints on a network. During a network scan,all the active devices on the network send signals, and once the response isreceived, the scanner evaluates the results and checks to see if there areinconsistencies.

Network scanner software

Network scanning allows companies to:

  • Keep a tab on the available UDP and TCP networkservices
  • Access the operating systems in use bymonitoring the IP responses
  • Identify the filtering systems between nodes

Network scanning involves network port scanningand vulnerability scanning.

In port scanning, the scanner sends data packetsto a specified service port number over the network. This helps to identify theavailable network services on a particular system for troubleshooting.

Vulnerability scanning allows the scanner todetect known vulnerabilities of computing systems available on a network. Thisprocess helps the scanner to identify specific weak spots in applicationsoftware or the operating system.

Both network port and vulnerability scanninggather relevant information from the network. This information, when used byunauthorized personnel, poses a serious threat to the company.

Network scanning is also closely related to packetsniffing or passive scanning.

Passive scanning captures and tracks the flow ofdata packets over the network. Packet-level traffic on your network can betracked by implementing sensors on the devices and using tools to translatepacket data into relevant information easily. With this approach, the scannerevaluates the traffic flow as soon as the devices start sending messages to thenetwork, without having to ping the devices separately.

Although passive scanning is an important partof your toolkit, it has some limitations. The passive scanner cannot detectthose devices or applications not communicating.

How Does a Network Scan Work?

Network scanning helps to detect all the activehosts on a network and maps them to their IP addresses. Network scanners send apacket or ping to every possible IP address and wait for a response todetermine the status of the applications or devices (hosts). The respondinghosts are considered active, while others are considered dead or inactive.These responses are then scanned to detect inconsistencies.

Network Scanner Tools

Using an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) scan,admins can manually ping the subnet. But for a wider reach across all subnets,it’s better to use tools capable of automatically running scans and discoveringdevices. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) scans allow you to mapnetwork topology.

Network Scanner For Mac

To keep the networking systems up and running, companies need to rely on robust Network scanning tools. A Network scanning tool is essential for companies who have a large network with multiple subnets. The companies must always invest in those scanners providing flexibility with the changing requirements. The chosen network scanner should be able to scale up easily with time as per the network security requirements without having to incur any substantial additional costs. Some of the top scanning tools available in the market include Swascan, Spyse, Acunetix, SolarWinds® IP Address Manager, SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor, and Nikto. We have discussed a couple of these tools in detail below:

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM)

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor can scan your network automatically. This tool uses passive scanning to show critical information regarding your network. This tool also functions as a network discovery and performance management tool. It allows companies to create network topologies and helps to keep a check on the devices and applications on your network. With functions like Heat Maps and Comparative Graphs for intelligent visualizations, it’s possible to understand the network from a node-by-node perspective. The network information retrieved from this tool can further be used to detect possible anomalies.

SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)

SolarWinds IP Address Manager is a network scanning tool which uses IP addresses to manage devices. Companies can do away with bulky IP tracking spreadsheets and use this tool to scan and discover IPv4 and IPv6 addresses across subnets actively.

  • Using IPAM, companies can monitor the usage of IP addresses, spot mismatched DNS entries, and quickly rectify issues related to subnet capacity and IP address conflicts.
  • IPAM allows admins to manage DHCP and DNS servers from a centralized console. Admins can also monitor resource records and manage the DNS zones.
  • IPAM allows users to create, modify, and delete IP records in IPv4 and IPv6 environments. Using API, users can also create new subnets in IPAM and create, update, or remove DNS entries.
  • The users can automatically reserve IP addresses by utilizing the built-in IP Request Form.
  • IPAM provides a detailed history of all the past and current IP addresses along with the status of subnets to effectively allocate them for the future.
  • The advanced alerting tools in IPAM help the network admins to catch IP-related problems instantly. SolarWinds IP tracker software allows admins to easily monitor different MAC address changes and IP conflicts.


In today’s world, every company, be it big orsmall, strives hard to safeguard its devices and systems from unauthorizedaccess. The companies must have a prevention plan in hand to avoid futureattacks on the network. They need to invest in robust network scanning tools tosecure their system against potential cyberattacks without compromising withthe performance. Before choosing a tool, they need to take time to understand whichtype of scanning tool is a perfect fit for their network. The admins need toimplement the right sensors and tools to protect the systems from being hackedalong with a robust scanner to translate packet data into easily readableinformation.