
Check out this footage of Mongo and Jambo, a father and son duo who suffer from alopecia, which is the general medical term for hair loss. Sadly Mongo passed. Chimpanzees are very familiar to us humans, perhaps because so much of their behavior reminds us of ourselves. They are considered great apes, just like gorillas, orangutans, and bonobos. Their distinctive mode of travel—walking on the sole of each foot and the knuckles of their hands—have earned them the title of knuckle-walkers. Lucy (1964–1987) was a chimpanzee owned by the Institute for Primate Studies in Oklahoma, and raised by Maurice K. Temerlin, Ph.D., a psychotherapist and professor at the University of Oklahoma and his wife, Jane. The chimpanzee is the mammal most like a human. They are intelligent, curious, noisy, and social. Chimps live in loose communities which can number anywhere from ten to more than 100 individuals. Free download mac software. They can share a home range that they protect from intruders and will sometimes forage for foods in groups.

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Chimpanzee, often shortened to chimp, is the common name for the two extant species in the genus Pan.

The better known chimpanzee is Pan troglodytes, the Common Chimpanzee, living primarily in West, and Central Africa.

Its cousin, the Bonobo or 'Pygmy Chimpanzee' as it is known archaically, Pan paniscus, is found in the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Congo River forms the boundary between the two species.

Chimpanzees rarely live past the age of 40 in the wild, but have been known to reach the age of 60 in captivity, and Tarzan star Cheeta is still alive as of 2006 at the age of 74.

Note: The above text is excerpted from the Wikipedia article 'Chimpanzee', which has been released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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Chimpanzees are social animals that are usually found in small groups of about 40 to 60 individuals. Different species of chimpanzees display different types of behavior.

Chimpanzee Behavior

Chimpanzees live in large social groups that have a definite hierarchy. The dominant male is referred to as the alpha male that dominates the entire group with respect to hunting and mating.


Dominance is not just acquired by power, but also by manipulation and politics. This hierarchy is also noticed in female chimpanzees.

One of the major occupations among chimpanzees in a group is grooming one another, which means cleaning another chimpanzee. In the evening, chimpanzees build their nests using a variety of materials. They share food with each other and even cooperate with each other in hunting other animals.

Chimpanzee Sophistication

Chimpanzees are intelligent and smarter than most other animals. They are smart enough to construct their own rudimentary tools and use them in different ways. They have sophisticated hunting skills. They have conscious about their status, and they can be manipulative and deceptive if they need to be.

Chimpanzee Pictures

According to some studies, chimps can also display sign language symbols to communicate with other chimpanzees. They use hand gestures and facial signs and expressions for communication. Chimpanzees are highly territorial and mark their territory clearly. They become highly aggressive if others try to come close to their territory.

Behavior Variations

Each of the species of chimpanzees has different behaviors. The most common species of chimpanzees – the pan troglodytes - are more vicious, aggressive, and dominating than the other species of chimpanzees. They are characterized by complex social relationships, and they usually live in tribes headed by the alpha male. Pan troglodytes, or common chimpanzees, are omnivorous and have been known to attack humans.

On the other hand, the bonobo species of chimpanzee is non-violent, less aggressive, and mainly famous for its sexual receptiveness. They do not hunt or fight much.