Brew Wget

Brew upgrade golangci-lint Note: Previously we used a homebrew tap. We recommend using official formula instead of the tap, but sometimes the most recent release isn't immediately available via homebrew core due to manual updates that need to occur from homebrew core maintainers. First install brew: ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL And then install wget with brew: brew install wget Using MacPorts. First, download and run MacPorts installer (.pkg) And then install wget: sudo port install wget. You also need wget and jq, follow these instructions, or choose a package manager based on your operating system. LINUX/MAC Use the package manager homebrew to install wget and jq Note: You most likely have these installed already.


List formulae metadata for all core or cask formulae

List the brew info --json --all output for all current Homebrew/homebrew-core, Homebrew/linuxbrew-core or Homebrew/homebrew-cask formulae.


@MacHomebrew (Twitter)

Get formula metadata for a core formula

Get the brew info --json --formula <formula> output for a single, current Homebrew/homebrew-core or Homebrew/linuxbrew-core formula with extra keys containing analytics data and generation date.


  • ${FORMULA}: the name of the formula, e.g. wget


Get formula metadata for a cask formula

Get the brew info --json=v2 --cask <cask> JSON output for a single, current Homebrew/homebrew-cask formula with extra keys containing analytics data and generation date.


  • ${FORMULA}: the name of the formula, e.g. docker



List one category of analytics events

List all analytics events for a specified category over a number of days, ordered by event frequency count. This is the data source for brew info --analytics.


  • ${CATEGORY}: the analytics event category, i.e.
    • install: the installation of all formulae
    • install-on-request: the requested installation of all formulae (i.e. not as a dependency of other formulae)
    • cask-install: the installation of all casks
      • only available under /analytics/
    • build-error: the installation failure of all formulae
    • os-version: the macOS version of all machines that have submitted an event
      • only available under /analytics/
  • ${DAYS}: the number of days of analytics events, i.e.
    • 30d: 30 days
    • 90d: 90 days
    • 365d: 365 days
Wget brew formula


List analytics events for all core formulae

List all the Homebrew/homebrew-core or Homebrew/linuxbrew-core formulae’s analytics events for a specified category over a number of days, grouped by formula name. This is the data source for brew info --analytics --formula <formula>.


  • ${CATEGORY}: the analytics event category, i.e.
    • install: the installation of all core formulae
    • install-on-request: the requested installation of all core formulae (i.e. not as a dependency of other formulae)
    • build-error: the installation failure of all core formulae
      • only ${DAYS}: 30d (30 days) is available
  • ${DAYS}: the number of days of analytics events, i.e.
    • 30d: 30 days
    • 90d: 90 days
    • 365d: 365 days


Brew wget

List analytics events for all cask formulae

List all the Homebrew/homebrew-cask formulae’s analytics events for the cask-install category over a number of days, grouped by cask token. This is the data source for brew info --analytics --cask <cask>.


Brew Install Wget Command Not Found

  • ${DAYS}: the number of days of analytics events, i.e.
    • 30d: 30 days
    • 90d: 90 days
    • 365d: 365 days

Brew Install Wget2
